

So I'm setting up SAMBA on a new machine, I can connect correctly but dir listings are failing. The problem is SELinux, because I tried setenable 0 and it worked.

So I ask on IRC and find out I need to do the following:

semodule -BD # turn off ignored AVCs
# redo the directory listing in another window
semodule -B # turn AVCs ignoring on
grep smb audit.log | audit2allow # parse those AVCs
#============= smbd_t ==============

#!!!! This avc can be allowed using one of the these booleans:
#     samba_export_all_ro, samba_enable_home_dirs, samba_export_all_rw
allow smbd_t user_home_t:dir read;
setsebool -PV samba_enable_home_dirs 1

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