
Lighttpd vs Let's Encrypt

If you are getting SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP error with lighttpd and an SSL certificate issued by Let's Encrypt, make sure you are using the latest version of lighttpd, openssl and have your root certs up-to-date.
yum --enable-repo=epel update lighttpd openssl openssl-devel openssl-libs openssl-static ca-certificates


CentOS 6 vs CPAN and Let's Encrypt

Here is the magic to get CPAN CLI to work with https.

# cpan

cpan[1]> o conf urllist https://www.perl.com/CPAN
Please use 'o conf commit' to make the config permanent!

cpan[2]> o conf urllist                                 
        0 [https://www.perl.com/CPAN]
Type 'o conf' to view all configuration items

cpan[3]> o conf commit
commit: wrote '/usr/share/perl5/CPAN/Config.pm'

If it is giving you problems with SSL certificat verification, then you have to upgrade openssl, ca-certificate to the latest version. Perl also maintains it's own SSL certificates in Mozilla::CA, so you might need to do

SSL_CERT_FILE=/etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/pem/tls-ca-bundle.pem cpan Mozilla::CA


CentOS 6 vs the world

If, like me, you are a fool and still have CentOS 6 installs you have to maintain, you might run into the following problem:

https://vault.centos.org/6.10/os/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno 14] problem making ssl connection
Trying other mirror.
https://vault.centos.org/6.10/extras/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno 14] problem making ssl connection
Trying other mirror.
https://vault.centos.org/6.10/updates/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno 14] problem making ssl connection
Trying other mirror.

The solution is to update curl and yum by hand:

wget https://vault.centos.org/6.10/os/x86_64/Packages/python-urlgrabber-3.9.1-11.el6.noarch.rpm
wget https://vault.centos.org/6.10/updates/x86_64/Packages/yum-3.2.29-81.el6.centos.0.1.noarch.rpm
wget https://vault.centos.org/6.10/updates/x86_64/Packages/curl-7.19.7-54.el6_10.x86_64.rpm
wget https://vault.centos.org/6.10/updates/x86_64/Packages/libcurl-7.19.7-54.el6_10.x86_64.rpm
sudo rpm -Uvh libcurl-7.19.7-54.el6_10.x86_64.rpm curl-7.19.7-54.el6_10.x86_64.rpm yum-3.2.29-81.el6.centos.0.1.noarch.rpm python-urlgrabber-3.9.1-11.el6.noarch.rpm