Creating a DVD
First you need CentOS 6.
Then you need ffmpeg 0.7, available from the
NauLinux school repo. You might already have ffmpeg 0.6.5 installed, in which case you'll need rpm -e ffmpeg-libpostproc --nodeps
before doing yum --enablerepo=naulinux-school install ffmpeg
. (If you skip this step, you end up with an error that looks like Unrecognized option 'vf'
. Or at least you will if can find stderr, which might be in ~/.xsession-errors
Finally you install devede, which is written in Python but is surprisingly non-fail.
Linux tech has a repo. Set up that repo, then run yum --enablerepo=linuxtech-testing --enablerepo=rpmforge install devede
Vixie is a smart guy
I other words
0 0 1 * 0 do-somethingis in fact the equivalent of
0 0 1 * * do-something 0 0 * * 0 do-somethingwhich is so much more useful.
This is another formulation of the "don't allow the user to do stupid things" principle I talked about a while back.